Page 44 Summer 2019 Points of Interest In which CMA Committee or Committees are you interested? ■Membership ■Dodd-Frank ■Points of Interest Magazine ■Advertising/Vendor ■Education ■Continuing Education ■Legislative ■Other I would be interested in participating in the following focus group: ■Commercial: For those members whose interest is commercial finance. While we meet as a whole, we have organized into two chapters – Northern and Southern California. Select the location where you do the most lending. ■Northern CA ■Southern CA ■Securities: For those members who are using "non-DRE" methods of raising capital for your loan investments or would like to learn more about securities like pools and permits. ■Consumer: For those members who are arranging owner-occupied 1-4 unit loans, want to stay up-to-date on the laws and invent new possibilities in this lending arena. I hereby make application for membership in the California Mortgage Association and pledge myself, if accepted, to abide by the requirements of their By-Laws and Code of Ethics as they are now and as they may be amended. Applicant acknowledges that the use of the Association logo is exclusive to members only, and applicant agrees to cease utilizing the logo upon termination of membership. By becoming a member, applicant authorizes CMA to send information on products and services by phone, fax or e-mail under U.S.C. 47 sec. 227. Applicant certifies that the foregoing information and annual gross closings are correct. Signature (required)____________________________________________________ DUES PAYMENT OPTIONS: Dues are based on your annual gross closings. Please select one: ■Regular Member — ($1 million and above per year): $125/month ■Affiliate Member — Billed Annually (No voting privileges): $500/year ■Educational Member — (Open to non-threshold and sales individuals. No voting privileges): $75/month Mail Application with Payment to: 2520 Venture Oaks Way, Suite 150 • Sacramento, CA 95833 If paying by credit card, you may fax to: (916) 924-7323 • Questions? Call (916) 239-4080 or visit Contributions or gifts (including membership dues) to CMA are not tax deductible as charitable contributions. Pursuant to the FederalReconciliationActof1993,associationmembersmaynotdeductasordinaryandnecessarybusinessexpenses,thatportion ofassociationduesdedicatedtodirectlobbyingactivities. Baseduponthecalculationrequiredbylaw,18%oftheduespayment only should be treated as non-deductible by CMA members. Check with your tax advisor for tax credit/deduction information. MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: CALIFORNIA MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION Credit Card Authorization: ■VISA ■MasterCard Amount to Charge: $_______________ Last 4 Digits of Card:_________ Cardholder's Name:______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Carholder's Signature:___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Billing Address (if different):________________________________________________________________________________________________ City:____________________________________________________________________ State:_____________ Zip +4:____________________ CMA offers a convenient automatic payment plan for your membership. Dues will be charged to your credit card on the 1st of each month. The first month's payment or annual dues payment is required to activate your CMA Membership. By signing below you authorize the California Mortgage Association to initiate credit card charge(s) to remain in full effect until written notification from you is received by CMA, in accordance with the terms and conditions contained herein. Monthly Payment: $_____________ Signature:_____________________________________________________ Date:__________________ Full Credit Card Number:_____________________________________________ 3-4 Digit CVV:__________ Expiration:_________________